Supported browsers

Which browsers support internet banking George

Supported browsers

Which browsers support internet banking George

For maximum operational reliability and stability when using our internet banking “George”, make sure to always work with the latest major version of a web browser provided by a reputable supplier.

In order to ensure a smooth user experience with the greatest possible degree of security, we focus our development exclusively on the current major version and the previous version provided by the following reputable suppliers.



  • Edge
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Opera


  • Edge
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera

Example: If Chrome lists the 94.0 version as the latest major version, we will support version 94.0 and its previous version 93.0.
The same pattern also applies to all the other browsers listed above, provided that they continue to receive security updates from their respective manufacturer.

Please note that the use of extensions known as third-party extensions (for example ad blockers) or of browsers and browser versions that we do not list and therefore do not support (including advance releases) may lead to malfunctions in our internet banking as a result of outdated technologies and untested third-party extensions.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our 24 hr internet banking helpdesk.