Knowledge that matters

Know-How for your investment

Knowledge that matters

Know-How for your investment

Learn more about our products and invest your know-how in your future.

Investment products

Garant and partial protection products


Guaranteed products are bonds that come with a minimum repayment guarantee of either 90% or 100% or even more than 100% upon maturity. These investment products provide the opportunity to invest in themes such as sustainability and megatrends in a broadly diversified and risk-reduced manner.

Bonds with partial protection can be a suitable investment solution in almost any market situation, as they can yield attractive returns in markets that are moving sideways or experiencing slight corrections. The chance of achieving returns in declining markets depends on the risk buffer of the bond in question. If the risk buffer is inadequate, there is a risk of incurring capital losses.

Garant bonds

Express bonds

Bonus certificates

Reverse convertibles

Classic investment products

Shares and bonds are considered simple and easy-to-understand financial instruments. These classic securities do not contain any additional components, such as option components and are among the classic securities.



Index and discount certificates

Index certificates offer a simple and transparent investment opportunity by investing in a diverse range of stocks with just one product.

Discount certificates, on the other hand, allow for investing in the underlying asset at a discount. This approach provides a safety buffer to the investor.

Index certificates

Discount certificates

Leverage products

For investors seeking a more aggressive approach to the market, leverage products may be a suitable investment opportunity. Such products enable greater effects to be achieved with a small capital investment. However, it is important to be aware that if the leverage does not work in the desired direction, there is a risk of incurring total loss.



Other products



Interest cap warrants